Code | Type of Service | 2025 Fees (TL) |
02.01.01 | Filing fee for a single class | 2350 |
02.01.02 | Filing fee for each additional class | 2350 |
02.01.28 | Filing fee for each additional class | 2610 |
02.01.03 | Registration fee | 5790 |
02.01.04 | Fee for issue of a certification copy of registration | 2400 |
02.01.05 | Fee for issue of a trademark registry copy | 2400 |
02.01.06 | Fee for recording of the whole or partial transfer | 4940 |
02.01.07 | Fee for recording of a merger or putting real capital | 3480 |
02.01.08 | Fee for recording of an inheritance | 4550 |
02.01.09 | Fee for registration of a license and fee for the renewal of a license | 8200 |
02.01.10 | Fee for recording of a pledge | 4980 |
02.01.14 | Fee for recording of a priority right | 2860 |
02.01.15 | Fee for editing and classification of goods and services | 990 |
02.01.16 | Fee for the issue of a certificate of priority right | 1580 |
02.01.17 | Opposition against applications published on Official Trademark Bulletin | 920 |
02.01.18 | Request for official information for trademarks | 230 |
02.01.19 | Handling fee for proceedings of the applications under the Madrid Protocol | 3170 |
02.01.20 | Handling fee for the proceedings of the subsequent designations and other requests under the Madrid Protocol | 1300 |
02.01.21 | Fee for replacement and transformation under the Madrid Protocol | 1300 |
02.01.22 | Fee for division of an application | 3340 |
02.01.23 | Renewal fee within expiry date (within 6 months before expiry date) | 7210 |
02.01.24 | Renewal fee after expiry date (within 6 months after expiry date) | 12620 |
02.01.25 | Partially Renewal Fee within Expiry Date (within 6 months before expiry date) | 7210 |
02.01.26 | Partially Renewal Fee after Expiry Date (within 6 months after expiry date) | 12620 |
02.01.27 | Examination Fee of Well-Known Trademark Application | 28150 |