Academic Inventions Turn into Commercial Value

6 Kasım 2024

The launch of the “Intellectual Property Commercialization in Academia Project”, developed in cooperation with TURKPATENT and WIPO

The launch of the “Intellectual Property Commercialization in Academia Project”, developed in cooperation with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to encourage the commercialization of academic inventions, was held on November 5, 2024, at Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), which was selected as the pilot university for the project in Trabzon.

The program was held with the participation of TURKPATENT President Prof. Dr. Zeki DURAK, Trabzon Governor Aziz YıILDIRIM, WIPO Division for Transition and Developed Countries Director Prof. Dr. Habip ASAN, KTU Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI and Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Erkut ÇELEBİ.

In his speech at the project opening, TURKPATENT President Prof. Dr. Zeki DURAK stated that according to the 2023 World Intellectual Property Indicators Report published by WIPO, Türkiye ranks 12th in the world in terms of domestic patent applications, 4th in the world and first in Europe in terms of the number of domestic trademark applications, and second in the world and first in Europe in terms of the number of domestic design applications. DURAK, stated that following the negotiations carried out with WIPO under the auspices of Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih KACIR, it was decided to implement the IP Commercialization in Academia Project as a pilot project at Karadeniz Technical University, and said, "Within the scope of the project, 26 spin-offs from KTÜ, 7 from Ondokuz Mayıs University, 5 from Giresun University and 2 from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, a total of 40 spin-offs will be given 2 days of commercialization-focused training by WIPO experts, and mentoring support will be provided to ensure that they create a business plan after the training." 

Project on IP Commercialization in Academia: Scale Up Your IP 

In the project opened at KTÜ, which was selected as the pilot university, a commercialization-focused training program will be offered for spin-offs (companies established to transform inventions developed by university faculty members into commercial value) in cooperation with WIPO and TURKPATENT.

In the two-day trainingwill be provided to Karadeniz Technical University, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Ondokuz Mayıs University and Giresun University faculty members on intellectual property strategies, brand management and intellectual property in software, and comprehensive information will be provided on commercialization processes of inventions and business plan preparation. The training will be completed by offering “Action Plan Consultancy” to participants.

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